5 June 2020
Apex-Vigne: A mobile application to facilitate the monitoring of growth and estimate the water status of the viticulture plots
The observation of apex growth is a simple method that was introduced to monitor the existence of hydric constraints in the vineyard (Rodriguez Lovelle et al., 2009; De Toda et al., 2010). Based on the direct observation in ...
13 May 2020
Grapevine Latent Bud Dormancy and Shoot Development
Grapevine development comprises different phenological stages from bud break to berry maturation which are mainly temperature and water dependent. Pre bud break, there is a crucial stage called dormancy which can be divided in two periods: ...
23 April 2020
Beware the brown marmorated stink bug!
The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) is a hemipteran insect in the Pentatomidae family native to eastern Asia. This extremely polyphagous species is spreading rapidly worldwide. It is responsible for ...
27 March 2020
Water as a critical issue for viticulture in southern Europe: sustainability vs competiveness
Water is a vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region, but irrigation demands have been increasing to mitigate effects of environmental stress. Sustainable wine production involves the precise use of water in the vineyard and winery. ...
14 October 2019
Phenology: Follow the internal clock of the Vines
The development of the vine throughout the year is punctuated by the appearance of key stages such as the bud-burst, the flowering and the veraison. The precise monitoring of these stages on the scale of a vineyard is essential in ...
12 October 2019
Vineyard variability: can we assess it using smart technologies?
VitiCanopy is a smart-device computer application (app) that allows users to measure and interpret objective canopy architecture and its spatial distribution in the vineyard thus allowing for informed and targeted vineyard management ...
11 October 2019
Viticulture in a changing climate: solutions exist
Grape growers have always cultivated vineyards in challenging environments, adapting their practices to sometimes very difficult local conditions. Climate change, as a new player, is modifying the terroirs’ characteristics rapidly and ...
9 October 2019
Defoliation of the vines before or after berry set: Physiological consequences and qualitative factors
Defoliation of the vines consists of eliminating the leaves in the grape bunch zone in a more or less intensive manner. It is a long-proven prophylactic technique that has seen a renewed interest in the current context of the reduction of ...
5 October 2019
Understanding Esca: watch out for the grafting type!
Black measles in English, Esca in French, Escha in Italian, Yesca in Spanish, Iska in Greek… This nightmare for winegrowers around the world creates confusion about its development and characteristics. Nevertheless, research progress has been ...
3 October 2019
"Biocontrol" Products: Of relative efficiency in combating botrytis.
Botrytis effects the yield and the quality of grape musts. To protect again these damaging effects, winegrowers target their combat against this disease with the application of phytosanitary products and prophylactic ...
1 October 2019
Measuring the phenology to more effectively manage the vineyard
Phenology is concerned with the periodic phenomenon of the vine growing cycle (bud burst, flowering, veraison), in relation to the climate. It is a veritable biological clock of the vines. The timing of the numerous ...