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5 January 2023
Table of Contents
One or the other: under drought, grapevines do not express esca leaf symptoms
Giovanni Bortolami, Gregory A. Gambetta, Chloé E. L. Delmas
What’s new with rootstocks?
Elisa Marguerit, Louis Blois, Jean-Pascal Goutouly, Maria Lafargue, Loïc Lagalle, Marine Morel, Jean Pascal Tandonnet, Nathalie Ollat
Review of plant-based methods for assessing vine water status
Markus Rienth, Cécile Laurent, Thibaut Scholasch
How terroir shapes aromatic typicity in grapes and wines (Part I)
Cornelis van Leeuwen, Jean-Christophe Barbe, Olivier Geffroy, Mark Gowdy, Georgia Lytra, Alexandre Pons, Cécile Thibon, Stéphanie Marchand
Regrafting and curettage of esca-affected vines: useful control techniques but difficult to implement
Coralie Dewasme, Séverine Mary, Jean-Philippe Roby
Copper ecotoxicity in French vineyard soils
Jean-Yves Cornu
Aromatic ripeness may be the type of maturity that impacts red wine typicity the most. Part II: terroir factors and management practices affecting aromatic ripeness
Cornelis van Leeuwen, Jean-Christophe Barbe, Justine Garbay, Mark Gowdy, Georgia Lytra, Marc Plantevin, Alexandre Pons, Cécile Thibon, Stéphanie Marchand
Uncertain changes to spring frost risks in vineyards in the 21st century
Benjamin Bois, Catinca Gavrilescu, Sébastien Zito, Yves Richard, Thierry Castel
Healthy Rootstock Cuttings are Essential for the International Nursery Industry
Richard Smart, David Gramaje, Francois Halleen, Tom Nemcik, Helen Waite
Mortality and vigour based indicators for an early diagnosis of vineyard decline
Anne Merot, Guillaume Coulouma, Nathalie Smits, Elsa Robelot, Christian Gary, Lucia Guerin Dubrana, Jouanel Poulmarch, Xavier Burgun, Anne Pellegrino, Marc Fermaud
Regional mapping of vine water status based on collaborative observations
Léo Pichon, Guilhem Brunel, Yulin Zhang, Bruno Tisseyre
Carbon isotope discrimination (so-called δ
C) measured on grape juice is an accessible tool to monitor vine water status in production conditions
Cornelis van Leeuwen, Benjamin Bois, Luca Brillante, Agnès Destrac-Irvine, Mark Gowdy, Damian Martin, Marc Plantevin, Laure de Rességuier, Luis G. Santesteban, Vivian Zufferey
Temperature variation linked to trellis height: an opportunity for adaptation to climate change?
Laure de Rességuier, Philippe Pieri, Théo Petitjean, Séverine Mary, Cornelis van Leeuwen
Dynamics of grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) infection in the vineyard and study of the response of different rootstocks
Coralie Dewasme, Lauren Inchboard, Jean-Pascal Tandonnet, Jean-Philippe Roby
How terroir shapes aromatic typicity in grapes and wines (Part II)
Cornelis van Leeuwen, Jean-Christophe Barbe, Olivier Geffroy, Mark Gowdy, Georgia Lytra, Alexandre Pons, Cécile Thibon, Stéphanie Marchand
Nitrogen nutrition status of the vine: correlation between N-tester and SPAD chlorophyll indices
Thibaut Verdenal, Vivian Zufferey, Jean-Sébastien Reynard, Jean-Laurent Spring
Mechanisation of pre-flowering leaf removal under temperate climate conditions
Thibaut Verdenal, Vivian Zufferey, Ágnes Dienes-Nagy, Gilles Bourdin, Jean-Laurent Spring
Aromatic ripeness may be the type of maturity that impacts red wine typicity the most. Part I: the aromas involved in aromatic ripeness
Cornelis van Leeuwen, Jean-Christophe Barbe, Justine Garbay, Mark Gowdy, Georgia Lytra, Marc Plantevin, Alexandre Pons, Cécile Thibon, Stéphanie Marchand
High eugenol content of Armagnac hybrid variety Baco Blanc, an asset in combating
Botrytis cinerea
Xavier Hastoy, Anaïs Poirier, Céline Franc, Laurent Riquier, Marie-Claude Ségur, Gilles de Revel, Marc Fermaud
Sustaining wine identity through intra-varietal diversification
Etienne Neethling, Eric Duchêne, Cornelis van Leeuwen, Elisa Marguerit, Etienne Goulet, Virginie Grondain
Bioprotection as an alternative to SO
in the pre-fermentation phase
Sara Windholtz, Claudia Nioi, Cécile Thibon, Stéphane Bécquet, Emmanuel Vinsonneau, Joana Coulon, Isabelle Masneuf-Pomarède
Assessment of the impact of chitosan treatment on microorganisms in enology
Cécile Miot-Sertier, Margot Paulin, Lucie Dutilh, Marine Lucas, Patricia Ballestra, Warren Albertin, Isabelle Masneuf-Pomarède, Joana Coulon, Virginie Moine, Amélie Vallet-Courbin, Julie Maupeu, Marguerite Dols-Lafargue
Production of flavour compounds by wine yeasts is dependent on the management of their intracellular redox balance
James D. Duncan, Anne Ortiz-Julien, Mathabatha E. Setati, Benoit Divol
Sanitisation of wine-ageing barrels using near Ultraviolet radiation
Maria C. Portillo, Erick Alberto Tena-García, Eugenia Vila, José M. Rigol, Nicolas Rozès
Influence of cationic exchange for reducing pH on the composition and quality of sparkling wine
Arnau Just-Borràs, Pere Pons-Mercadé, Jordi Gombau, Pol Giménez, Glòria Vilomara, Marta Conde, Antoni Cantos, Joan Miquel Canals, Fernando Zamora
Brettanomyces bruxellensis
is not responsible for all woes!
Pierre Moulis, Cécile Miot-Sertier, Céline Franc, Laurent Riquier, Stéphanie Marchand, Gilles de Revel, Doris Rauhut, Patricia Ballestra
Flow cytometry, a sustainable method for the identification and quantification of microorganisms in enology - Part 2/2 Practical and environmental benefits of flow cytometry applied to wine microbiology
Cédric Longin, Rémi Laforgue, Marie-Laure Badet-Murat, Hervé Alexandre
Plasticity of red wine sensory profiles: improved understanding through grape berry sugar loading profiles
Guillaume Antalick, Katja Šuklje, John W. Blackman, Leigh M. Schmidtke, Alain Deloire
Yeast derivatives: a promising alternative for white wine oxidation prevention
Claudia Nioi, Maria Tiziana Lisanti, Fabrice Meunier, Arnaud Massot, Virginie Moine
Simultaneous assay of mousy off-flavor markers in wine
Daiki Kiyomichi, Céline Franc, Pierre Moulis, Laurent Riquier, Patricia Ballestra, Stéphanie Marchand, Sophie Tempère, Gilles de Revel
Cell morphology observations for discriminating between
Brettanomyces bruxellensis
strains among genetic groups
Sandrine Rousseaux, Manon Lebleux, Emmanuel Denimal, Stéphanie Weidmann
Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS): a promising technology for the high throughput phenotyping of grape berry volatile fingerprints
Thomas Baerenzung dit Baron, Marie Denat, Olivier Yobrégat, Valérie Simon, Alban Jacques, Olivier Geffroy
Other topics
An innovative interactive mapping tool to present research results: example of a terroir study in the context of climate change
Laurence David, Laure de Rességuier, Théo Petitjean, Cyril Tissot, Hervé Quénol, Renan Le Roux, Cornelis van Leeuwen
Wine tourism: a showcase for the agroecological development of vineyards? Part 2
Nashidil Rouiaï, Ronan Symoneaux, Jean-Claude Taddei
Understanding consumers’ perceptions of smoke-affected wines
Eleanor Bilogrevic, WenWen Jiang, Julie Culbert, Leigh Francis, Markus Herderich, Ella Robinson, Mango Parker
CCAF: a framework to manage climate change adaptation for the wine sector
António Graça, Mark Gishen
Wine tourism: a showcase for the agroecological development of vineyards? Part 1
Nashidil Rouiaï, Ronan Symoneaux, Jean-Claude Taddei